Kaizen Hands Consulting
Why Kaizen Hands?
Kaizen is a Japanese word for "Change for Good" and used as the action of Lean Manufacturing. A Kaizen event is usually a diverse team with a focused problem working to "Change" a current process to a "Better (Good)" future process for everyone.
Hands has both a metaphor and literal intent to it. Metaphorically: No one achieves their goals alone, there is always a helping hand from co-workers, friends, family, and even strangers. Literally: Our consultants will be those helping hands by teaching, coaching, and doing the work that needs to be done to reach our goal.
"Kaizen Hands" translates to "Change for Good with Helping Hands" which is our company's Vision. As the saying goes "When you reach for the stars, make sure to pull someone up with you."
We pull on consultants' experiences that incorporated Lean Tools and coached Culture Transformations in companies from North America, South America, Europe, and Asia. Lean Manufacturing has become the new standard for achieving "more with less" and has allowed the automotive, aerospace, agricultural, clothing, and construction industries to achieve remarkable efficiencies. We train and guide our clients to reach Customer Satisfaction, Employee Growth, and Profit Gains. Our sessions include:
Training of the Lean Tools and Strategies in Spanish or English for easy incorporation
Kaizen events focused on Planning, Product, Point, or Transactional improvements needed
Events involve all function groups: fabrication, shipping, materials, quality, maintenance, sales, office, and suppliers
It's no longer being faster and better than the competition, but to partner up with our client's customers to plan for the future needs and benefit from financial partnerships for years to come.
Passionate About Inspiring Others
I've relocated to Colombia and see the great potential and life in the Colombian people. Companies are looking for proven strategies to evolve their business to compete in the local, national, and international markets. I've seen Colombia grow and expand over the years and desire only to contribute to that Success.
My skills sets brings hands-on experience from working with small businesses to large corporations. My engineering background and Lean Manufacturing training allows for my analytical side to merge with Lean philosophy to take the teams through a journey of re-discovery of their processes, exciting their customers, and growing their business strategies. I've taken over 50 teams through this journey using my Soft Skills that has allowed for high energy personalities, subject matter experts, operators, and management to reach our common goal through a Kaizen event. My performance and output has allowed me to travel to USA, Canada, Mexico, and Norway to consult on new and ongoing Lean Journeys.
We need to combine the proactive attributes of the Tortoise and the Hare (link to video and moral).

Lean Manufacturing Certificate Program, University of Michigan - May 2004
License to Practice Kaizen Continuously, Shingijutsu USA Corporation - June 2009
NGS Blackbelt Certificate, The National Graduate School of Quality Management - January 2009